Arranging meetings with me

Arranging meetings with me

My calendar is a bit of a hodge-podge of meetings at different locations (since I have offices both in Linguistics and at UMIACS), remote discussions (Zoom or Google Hangout), and phone calls.

People on campus: you should not trust information they find in my campus calendar, because it does not include conflicts on my personal calendar.

If you'd like to meet with me, please use the email template below; in particular, having two or three days/times would be helpful.

Subject: Meeting about <TOPIC>

Hi!  I'd like to meet with you to talk about <WHAT THE MEETING IS ABOUT>.

Some days and time windows I can meet, in order of preference, are: 
  • <DATE>, between <START TIME> and <END TIME>
  • <DATE>, between <START TIME> and <END TIME>
  • <DATE>, between <START TIME> and <END TIME>
I'd prefer to meet in person if possible. / Meeting remotely is fine. Thanks, <NAME>